Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Slow Start

Album is at a virtual standstill for a moment... Oh well, it gives us time to work on the album art. I haven't been thinking about it too much recently either, except for one particular song which I can't seem to figure out what I want to do with. It is called Sunspots/Are We Spinning? and I do not know how I would like to orchestrate it. I may even work on it in a moment here. Acoustic? Electric? Clean? Distorted? Who knows? I'm considering just taking acid and thinking about that song for 3 hours. I could decide what to do with it then. The problem is just that I don't know the beginning and the end is awesome... So I don't know. That's life I guess.

You ever see that point in something where you know it is going to end very soon? Did you overcome it? I did. It feels quite nice, thank you.

So I'm currently enjoying a new band called Mojave 3. Their album Puzzles Like You is folkish pop goodness. I recommend it, however their other albums are supposed to be different. I dunno though, as I have yet to even sample them. As a tangent to this topic, I recommend checking out pandora.com, it is an online music categorization website that will play radio stations of similar music to bands you already enjoy. Go try it out, its free to test and sign up. Quite awesome.

That's all for now... I guess. My apologies for the poor blogging skills as of late.

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